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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Object of the day: The Wes Anderson Collection

I went to the cinema last night (The Dallas Buyer's Club, brilliant) and the queues for Wes Anderson's new film, The Grand Budapest Hotel, were vast. It's next on my list.

As fellow fans will know, the look of the director's typically eccentric movies is so distinctive – the palette of Moonrise Kingdom alone was enough of a reason to go and see his last film.

So even though this book was out last year, I thought there was excuse enough to publish some of the wonderful images from it today.

The house in the Royal Tenenbaums.
Steve Zisou's ship in A Life Aquatic.
The Scout camp in Moonrise Kingdom.

The cove in Moonrise Kingdom.

The Wes Anderson Collection, written by film critic Matt Zoller Seitz, is stuffed with previously unpublished photos, artwork and other Anderson memorabilia and it is beautiful. The artwork is all by Buenos Aires based illustrator, Max Dalton (who also designed some rather incredible Twin Peaks-inspired drawings, among many other lovely things). As per a decorating tip from yesterday, you could always buy two copies and cut the images out of one to hang on your wall – better still, get a full-size print from Max Dalton's online shop.

The Wes Anderson Collection by Matt Zoller Seitz is available in all good bookshops now. There's also a really interesting piece on the Telegraph website deconstructing Anderson's cinematic style – like his preference for shooting at right angles rather than in curves. Fascinating stuff. Meanwhile, enjoy this trailer.


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